Green, Safe and Effective Carpet Cleaning Products
Those of you who know me know how passionate I am about carpet cleaning and the products we clean carpets & upholstery with. I have been cleaning carpets for over 40 years and eating organic foods for over 25 years. It dawned on me one day…why not take the philosophy of the way I eat and take care of myself and apply it into my passion, which is taking care of indoor environments, whether it be your home or work environment. That is why “Going Green” should be your top priority.
You hear people talk about the pollution outdoors. Well, did you know that the air we breathe indoors in 60% more contaminated than it is outdoors? Can you imagine walking around breathing into a paper bag all day? How healthy is that? Not too healthy if you ask me.
Keeping your carpets and upholstery looking and smelling clean and green should be of importance to you. Having carpets and upholstery loaded with dust, stains, molds, and a bunch of other contaminants is not only an eyesore, it’s unhealthy.
Since you and your health are at stake here, why not take a different approach and use green products. They really do clean better now. Green is here to stay and hopefully you are. So make a choice decision and “Go Green”.
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